(256) 284-7600
200 W Tennessee St, Florence, AL 35630
If you are in immediate danger
dial 911
What is Child Abuse?
Child Abuse can be broken down into four distinct categories:
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Emotional/Psychological abuse
• Neglect
Failure to thrive
Delayed physical development
Speech disorders
Attachment issues, such as seeking comfort and attention from others or difficulty forming relationships
Lack of adequate supervision, nutrition, shelter
Poor hygiene
Rashes and skin abrasions
Bruises or fractures
Frequently home alone or without appropriate supervision
Infrequent attendance in school
Excessive tardiness
Lack of school supplies
Incomplete or missing homework or school forms
Unattended medical or dental needs
Regular illnesses
Low self-esteem
Behavior extremes, such as appearing overly passive or very aggressive
Substance abuse
Fear of adults
Myths of Child Abuse
MYTH #1: It's only abuse if it’s violent.
Fact: Emotional abuse, Sexual abuse, and Neglect are also forms of abuse.
MYTH #2: Only bad people abuse their children.
Fact: Many abusers have been victims themselves, and don’t know any other way to parent; others may be struggling with mental health or substance abuse problems.
MYTH #3: Child abuse doesn’t happen in “good” families.
Fact: Child abuse crosses all racial, economic, and cultural lines.
MYTH #4: Most child abusers are strangers.
Fact: Often, abusers are family members or others close to the family.
MYTH #5: Most children do something to cause the abuse to occur.
FACT: The child is always the victim. The responsibility for the abuse lies with the adult.